Hayward W3PHS41CST. Suction Side Pool Cleaner - Aquanaut 400.

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Length: 40.4 in Width: 13.6 in Height: 11.9 in
Regular price $479.00

Hayward W3PHS41CST Aquanaut 400 Suction Side Pool Cleaner, 4WD is designed to deliver a reliable and efficient clean to swimming pools of all shapes, sizes, flow rates, and debris types. It uses four-wheel drive and features a patented self-adjusting variable vane called V-Flex technology that automatically adjusts due to the size of debris it's removing without the risk of clogging.

It expertly navigates around any surface with its robust tire treads and won't get stuck on obstacles like main drains or steps. The AquaNaut 400 maintains constant suction during its end-to-end cleaning and maintains optimal suction on uneven surfaces to ensure complete pool coverage. This cleaner is ideal for larger swimming pools (up to 20ft x 40ft) or pools with deep ends and is designed for optimal use with variable-speed pool pumps.

Hayward W3PHS41CST Aquanaut 400 Suction Side Pool Cleaner, 4WD is designed to deliver a reliable and efficient clean to your swimming pool.

  • Suction Side Pool Cleaner

  • 1 Year Warranty

  • Suitable for larger swimming pools (up to 20' x 40') or pools with deep ends

  • Works with all pool types

  • Handles any size debris without clogging

  • Maintains constant suction with end-to-end cleaning

  • Available in 4-wheel drive

  • Optimal suction at any flow (ideal for use with variable-speed pool pumps)